For load shedding in your area consult this schedule supplied by ethekwini municipality. december 8, 2014 with load shedding becoming a weekly occurrence, toti residents can now have the schedule at their fingertips.. The new load shedding schedule can be found on, click on the load shedding banner. the new schedule will be implemented in the event of load shedding from the 7 april 2015. the new schedule will be implemented in the event of load shedding from the 7 april 2015.. For load-shedding schedules affecting the city of cape town, you can visit or this page, or call 0860 103 089, or follow them on twitter @cityofct..
Find your load shedding schedules here. town load shedding schedule click here or city of cape town – stage 3 load shedding for the city of cape town load shedding schedule click here (new) 8 december 2014 we will soon publish load shedding schedule as we received them from the different municipalities.. New load shedding schedule in nepal . december 2014 . nepal electricity authority has published new load shedding schedule effectively from 17 december 2014. download new load shedding schedule & manage all your work within time.. Eskom says load shedding is likely to take place on monday from 17:00 to 21:00, with intermittent blackouts set to last for the next 10 days, as it works to stabilise its supply chain interrupted by workers’ protests. click here for the full story. to check the load-shedding schedule in your area, click here..